Thursday, February 4, 2010

News Notes

Broadcast journalism: A recall of events that interest and conern the public. Airing news instantaneaously. TV, radio, internet, ect.

Define News: News is an account of events that interest and concern the public.

6 criteria of news worthiness:
1. Unusualness- News that is different, the unusual, and out of the ordinary. Unusual news is bad.
2. Significance- Important events, ones that may affect many people, are news.
3. Timeliness- The quickest that the news reaches the viewers, new news, not old.
4. Proximity- People want to know about nearby or local events.
5. Prominence- When well known people are involved in an event.
6. Human interest- Stories about ordinary people or animals, humorous or dramatic stories.

Differences between print journalism and broadcast journalism:
1. More coverage with print or multiple stories.
2. Readers are their own editors. (print)
3. Easier to store print.
4. Readers get to pick and choose what they want to read. (Print)
5. Broadcast journalism provides the most dramatic news coverages.

Articles with news criteria
1. Ashton Kutcher hates Valentines Day. (prominence)
2. Sharks kill man at Florida Beach. (unusualness)
3. DOW pummels 200 points. (significance)
4. Brittany Murphy's death ruled an accident. (human interest)
5. Woman charged with stealing from school district. (proximity)
6. Super Bowl funnies. (human interest)

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